Tuesday, May 11, 2010

For a moment like this (finals)...

...we overworked students would rather wait a lifetime (or perhaps two)

but no such luck eh?

And so, this is IT.

In a marathon, this would be the last 100 yards. The straight road stretches out ahead of you, the spectators are cheering you on, the finishing line is in sight.

The sun beats down relentlessly, your heart is pumping frantically, adrenaline courses through your veins, your aching muscles are screaming at you to stop.

Your lungs are beyond hurting, your breath comes in short gasps, sweat pours down your face, arms, and legs, every step forward is like agony.

Yet you push on.

Because in the end, when you finally cross that line, you know everything will be worth it.

If you set your mind and heart to it, even the stars are not unreachable.

To quote Muhammad Ali, American heavyweight boxer:

Impossible is Nothing

(I can almost hear Nadhi screaming "Adidas!!" triumphantly)

All the best for A2 finals y'all!

Bring it ON.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you, teacher. You're one of those spectators cheering us on :) We'll try our best!
