Friday, January 22, 2010

Stuff @ School

And so..I'm typing this post out of obligation as a responsible member of the class :) Semester 3 is going by at the speed of knots. We sweated and groaned and complained our way through complex numbers, obediently finished Chemistry tutorials *ahem*, explored the fascinating field of GT, and an Electromagnetism test capped an exhausting 2nd week back in college. In 20 or so more weeks, we'll be sitting for yet another all-important examination on which our future depends. (That's A levels for you sigh)

In between homework and tests, there is the usual friendly classroom banter and of course, scandals abound. To be in our class, you need to be on either end of two extremes. Please take your pick among these: ADHD, OCD, sexual identity crises, panic disorder, 'kiasu-ism', SSD (spontaneous singing disorder). Do I lump 'stalker' and 'evil genius' with the lot as well? Lol.

Currently everyone is anxiously awaiting the release of the AS results on Mon. You can't even say the 'R' word or something remotely close to it now without evoking a violent reaction from fellow Fourians. Good luck people!

Sadly, we also had to say goodbye to a dear classmate and friend, CZ who was our former class rep. We would like to thank his successor Karan for assuming this heavy role; shouldering the responsibility of attending to our demands, delivering our homework promptly, being our new spokesperson, and uh..scapegoat (jk hehe). We also have a new addition to the lively family: Gen Nen. Welcome to PM4!

Lastly, all the best to everyone who will be attending interviews and submitting uni apps, and congratulations to those who have received offers from their respective unis.

Oh-kay. I guess that's all-for now.


  1. nice post. with ur writing like that, i dunno how u can be scared of ielts. seriously 9.5 standard =D

  2. lol! thanks for the morale booster :) but i won't have unlimited time and a spell check during the test. just wanted to chronicle the happenings in our class
